
Feb 8, 2022
Tovi has been upgraded! All the new features explained here.
Tovi Version 2 - All the funky bits!
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Jan 5, 2022
Some of the things I have taken away from the first year's experience.
Tovi eLearning.  One year in.
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Nov 20, 2021
Why online and face to face learning need a different approach.
Putting a fish in a birdcage
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Oct 7, 2021
There's a danger as your e-learning site scales, that the support requirements of your learners haven't been considered. Here's why...
The e-learner support black hole
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Aug 15, 2021
There's an e-learning disaster on the horizon. What is it? And, if you are involved with e-learning, how can you avoid it?
The impending e-learning disaster
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